Friday 14 October 2016

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Gaming Platforms

The Advantages and Disadvantages of  Gaming Platforms

Mobiles aren't just phones but anything that you can easily carry around like a Nintendo or Ipad.

There are two different types of handheld device, those that are purely made for games for example the Nintendo, and those that have been made for other purposes however also include games, like an IPhone. You can tell that the Nintendo has been made for games due to the way that the hardware is designed. It has a D-Pad and buttons designed specifically for cartridge based games that you have to buy separately, it also has two different screen one of them being touch pad. The IPhone is made to sever as a phone however includes the Apple Store in which you can download thousands of games a lot of which are free. There is one button on the IPhone which inst used for any game and so they have to rely entirely on touchscreen controls.

Many of the games are made to be single player and so could be criticised for separating you from society. In the time spent playing the games could be spent doing something sociable or productive. Constant use of thumbs, wrists and eyes could ed to severe eye strain, RSI or other issues. Games do not need mush physical activity and so could be criticised for making you unfit. The hardware and sometimes software can be quite expensive leading you to make a choice as to whether you need it or not. You can get sleepless nights for playing these games due to how easy they are to play.

There is a huge range of games that you can by on the app store that suit many different styles of play. They are also hugely convenient, being able to be played anywhere due to them being handheld. Apart from there being a pricey cost for the console most of the games are very cheap or even free. A phone for example isn't made purely for gaming and so can be used for other stuff like texting or browsing the web.

PCs (in this case a gaming) 

Currently the most technology advanced of the consoles, parts of a PC can be upgraded separately to keep up with the ever growing technology in the gaming industry. One of the most advanced graphics cards at the moment is the GeForce GTX 1080 which allows for 4K resolution. this means it can display 4,000 by 2,000 pixels on screen. It connects through HDMI, which allows for a High-definition interface. Occasionally a PC will need a fan to help stop it overheating and usually comes with a wired mouse and keyboard. Wired is usually better as it reduces latency.

You don't have to use a PC for just gaming as there primary use would be to browse the web. Games are much easier to buy on PC due to the digital copies you can get off of Steam, the games are usually a bit cheaper as well due to there being no licensing fee. They have to capability for insane graphics and processing power due to the fact that you can actively upgrade your computer as and when you wish. Thanks to backwards compatibility there is a huge library of games compared to the other platforms.

The cost for a gaming PC can skyrocket depending on the specs that you go for. Many of the games are made to be single player and so could be blamed for isolating you from family and friends for many hours. Many gamers have poor posture which can result in health problems in later life.

Arcade Machines

Rather an old machine which is usually coin-operated, can often be found in business places like restaurants and bars. There are several different games that take place of on an arcade machine, just a few are space invaders, Tekkan or Resident Evil. Fighting games often make great arcade games because the joystick and two button make for great combo mechanisms, for example ▲▼AB. The machines are usually multiplayer and so have two sets of controls. They are designed purely to soak up money.

Some feel that if you stand up when gaming you can become more immersed. Also not many arcade machines are around these days and many people certainly don't own them, because of this you have to leave the house to play them which in turn causes you to socialise with people. The majority of the machines are made to be multiplayer as well this help with paying for the cost.

Arcade machines cost a ridiculous amount of money and depend on people playing them to get the money back. You cannot upgrade an arcade machine and so you are stuck with what you get. The machines are normally made to play only one game and so there is no variation and i can imagine getting bored very quickly.


Most of these console where originally made to only play games however as technology has advanced you can now use them to browse the web, watch TV or go online shopping. It usually connects to a TV and so the display will only be as good as the TV allows. Each console also has their own operating system for example the Xbox's would be Windows.

There are a lot of different games that you can get on consoles and there are several different consoles to play on. The games that are made to be on consoles are specifically made for the machine and so should run optimally as soon as you get it. The machines can be quite expensive however when you get it, you shouldn't have any problems running the game.

The technology will be outdated a few years after you buy the console and will most likely be pressured to buy the latest one. The prices of the games are also a lot higher than they would be on PC. Also you cannot personally upgrade the console and so it is locked at the specs that you buy it at.

Sunday 2 October 2016

Unit 78: Digital Graphics

Picture Resolution

When taken on a camera if the resolution is low it may be harder to see on a cameras however you can change the settings obviously if you are going to print out on A4 then the resolution doesn't have to be super high however in certain professions for example if you wanted to blow the picture up onto the side of a bus then the resolution would have to be a lot higher so that the image isn't pixelated on the bus. In the image below you can see the affect that increasing the amount of pixels per inch can do, in the first image there is theoretically 4 pixels 

Image result for picture resolution

Image Resolution

This is the resolution when the image is printed, the higher the amount of pixels per inch the image has the better quality the image will be. To make the highest quality image you want a high dpi(dots per inch) fro example 3000. When printing the resolution would be a lot bigger because the ink dots can be a lot closer together than what is shown on screen. This mean you can also fit more 'pixels' on printed page than you can do on screen. So you should never print at the same resolution as the on screen resolution.


Image result for photoshop histogramThere are many different shades between black and white, especially in Photoshop there are millions. A computer represents one colour with a colour code and three colours red, green and blue. So the one pixel value is made from vectors of three different colours. Technically, pixel intensity is its brightness, the histogram shows you how many pixels are at a certain intensity when compared to others in the same image. Black is on the left and white on the left and intensity increases as you move to the right. There are ways to have Photoshop have you show the intensities of each individual colours red, green and blue.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Movie

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles -Movie

Plot: The foot clan are trying to steal chemicals and are being occasionally stopped by an unknown vigilantly, this turns out to be the turtles. Sagg had a plan to infect New York City so he could save it and become rich. However to create the antidote to the toxin he needs the turtles blood. He uses April to track them and kidnap them so he can drain their blood.

 Beginning: A reporter (April O’Neil) investigating stolen genetic chemicals. At this point the atmosphere is light and comedic. The foot clan is attempting to steal more chemicals and she decides to investigate, there is a dark change in atmosphere at this point. The docks storage containers make for good ambush and increases the viewer’s tension. The Shredder kept in silhouette to keep us in suspense and the atmosphere dark. We find out backstory about foot clan at a benefit though a sob story. The movie changes in pace when hundreds of people start running towards camera as they’re being chased. The reporter runs in to investigate an underground train station however she gets taken hostage. The lights go out so the turtles cannot be seen as they kick ass. The reporter finds and confronts turtles, the turtle’s comedic and relaxed attitude counters the previous atmosphere of the hostage situation. April realises she knows the turtles as she has video footage of them being experimented on. Splinter the turtles master remembers April. She visits the scientists that created the turtles.

Middle: Backstory about japan that gave the scientist his inspiration. Invitation to meeting at night by turtles, she feels threatened by the turtles however splinter reassures her and tells her how they were created. We find out that the scientist has been working for shredder the entire time this is dramatic irony as April doesn’t know. The lair is compromised when April realises her phone is being tracked. This leads to a boss type like fight against shredder, splinter sacrifices himself for the turtles. Three of the turtles are kidnapped and drained for their blood however Raphael hasn’t been captured so he and April go to save them. After busting in he is confronted by shredder and has to fend him off while April releases the turtles. Shredder is already on his way to New York so they have to use a service hatch and travel through the sewer to get back. Shredder has already released the toxin and the turtles have a countdown to stop it.
End: While the turtles take the elevator to confront shredder. April goes to Sagg to take the mutagen as a contingency plan. The turtles try to take shredder on one by one and fail however when they come together they beat him and disable the toxin. April knocks out Sagg to steal the mutagen and uses it to tempt shredder and give the turtles the advantage over him. The turtles then retreat back to the sewers without anyone seeing them.


I think that a side scrolling 2.5 dimensional game would fit the film quite well, as it doesn’t take itself too seriously. The graphics would be cell shaded and the game would have cut scenes at the end of each chapter. The game would be 4 player so that each person could play a separate turtle. Each turtle would have a light, medium and heavy attack, each would be able to jump and attack in mid-air. There would be combos for example 2 light attacks and a heavy attack would cause you to start juggling the enemy. The turtles would also have 10 shrunken that they could throw in a straight line. The genre would be an action side-scroller and would consist of 5 chapters each with 10 separate levels. Throughout the game there would be both bosses and mini-bosses with the majority of the enemies you face being different types of foot soldiers. The game would block you from moving on until you have dealt with the current wave of soldiers. There would be intractable items in the world for example exploding barrels that you pick up and throw. Each turtle would have a health bar and would be able to heal with pizza found in destructible items around the level. Each chapter would be set in a different area for example the first would be the streets at night and the subway tunnel where the hostages were kept. The final boss would be shredder, who would have three different stages in the fight, getting harder each time you deplete his life the first stage he would have a long range charge and a close range slash ability. During his second phase he would then be able to throw knives and recall them like in the movie. In his final form he would take 25% more damage from attacks but also do 25% more damage, along with this he wold also have a pin that dealt damage over time. In between each of his phases there would be a wave of foot soldiers for you to fight.